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Tom and Candy aren't doing so hot. He can't hold a job and she is pregnant. But Tom's dad Sonny, has a fortune almost fall right into his lap. A skydiver packed with cocaine and a bad parachute lands smack in his driveway. Sonny calls the cops, but grabs the stash before they show up.
This may be the big break Tom and Candy need for financial freedom, but not without some help from the wrong people.
Late 30's, reformed drug user trying to hold down a job. Any job. His newlywed wife is pregnant and he is just trying to do good.
22, pretty, and 5 months pregnant. A good wife, she knows Tom's past, but loves him. Has Lyme disease, gets aches, tired, and has fainting spells.
Late 50's, Tom's father. Former boxer, punch drunk, forgetful.
40's, drug dealer fronting business through his boxing ring.
30's, stocky, tattooed, tough guy
113 pages
action, crime, drama
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