What if : Black people had superpowers
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What if : Black people had superpowers


A young black college student is imbued with cosmic powers after his murder at the hands of a racist cop, granting him immense abilities to bring balance to a world deprived of justice.  




Number of pages

61 pages


drama, fantasy, sciFi, superhero




Jennifer Kim Lalk Vidovic10:50 AM, Jan 7, 2024
This is such an unique idea. I love this :)
Devon Slaughter 01:07 AM, Apr 30, 2024
I love the idea. Real and unique
T. B. Johnson05:26 AM, Jun 12, 2024
This idea feels like a stub. OK, so someone gets super powers... and? What do they try to do with the powers? What opposition do they face?
Jonathan Muteteke06:25 AM, Jun 12, 2024
I don't know what stub means , based on you're comment it must not be good , The story will explore how various black People will use they're powers some for good and some for evil , They're opposition will the U.S Goverment and A powerful influential corporation.
Sergio del Río 11:48 AM, Jun 13, 2024
I think this concept would greatly benefit from an antihero antagonist who also wants to use this power but to get "revenge" for all the injustices and subdue others. Kind of like Magneto from Xmen or the main character in Chronicle. This raises moral cuestions and give the protagonist a clear obstacle who is also equal in power. You can't just give "inmense cosmic powers" to a random person and expect him to be a saint or have interesting battles with mere humans

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