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Jesse Robinson, a model inmate and former marine, struggles with deep feelings of guilt and regret for his actions that led to a dishonorable discharge and bringing shame on his military family as well as missing his daughter’s birth, having to watch her grow up from behind bars. Seen by the different gangs in the prison as an outsider, he has only weeks left before his release.

Pedros Hernendez, a notorious killer and drug baron, awaits his impending execution by lethal injection, wanting to meet death on his own terms, he has used his wealth and contacts to help plan an elaborate prison break with the aid of paid off guards, other prisoners and law enforcement on the outside. Pedros’s Sister has also infiltrated the group of execution witnesses that consists of a governor and a Senator, in a bid to stop the execution and help Pedros escape.

As Pedros is strapped to the execution table, a riot, planned as a distraction begins in another part of the prison. Jesse tries to help a guard but fails, he escapes, fighting his way past several prisoners and taking refuge in a tower overlooking the prison. Unknown to Jesse, his wife and daughter along with other prison inmate visitors have been taken hostage. With Pedros free and in control of the prison and with several high-level hostages, the FBI arrive. Jesse manages to contact them and is told to not get involved but is forced from his hiding place to help save the SWAT Team who are ambushed by armed prisoners, throwing himself back into the conflict.

Outfoxed, the FBI ask Jesse to helping rescue the Senator, telling him if he does, he will become a free man and that his dishonorable discharge could be reversed. Jesse works his way through the prison, fighting off other inmates in his attempt to locate the Senator. The FBI discover that Jesse’s wife and daughter are among the hostages being held in a different location but decide not to tell him in fear he will not rescue the senator. Jesse finds the senator and a small group of hostages leading them to an exit point, only for Pedros to demand the return of the Senator, revealing over the PA system that he has Jesse’s wife and Daughter after being tipped off by an FBI agent on his payroll, who is uncovered and arrested.

Jesse gets the hostages out but takes the senator back to exchange him for his wife and daughter’s safety. Pedros refuses, realizing a mother and young child as hostages are a great bargaining chip and uses them as part of his escape, in which he hides among hostages on one of two buses where the other hostages are used as human shields. Jesse manages to stop the bus containing his wife but the one containing Pedros, his daughter and the Senator manages to get away. Together with the SWAT Team Leader, Jesse and his wife chase after the other bus and manage to force it off the road.

Jesse boards the bus and finds his daughter, both are injured by Pedros in a fire fight just before he escapes on foot. With his daughter injured, Jesse angry and incensed chases after Pedros, stopping him and beating him in a final showdown. Jesse has the chance to kill Pedros but decides to shoot him in the legs, stopping him from escaping. Jesse and his father, Major Robinson are reunited and reconcile their differences after Jesse’s heroic actions brings pride to the family name once more.




Number of pages

110 pages






Jennifer Kim Lalk Vidovic06:37 AM, Feb 4, 2024
This one sounds so interesting!!
Birdie Sunday03:27 PM, Feb 11, 2024
Got me intrigued by the plot.

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