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A timeless fairy tale that follows twelve year old SAOIRSE. She awakes in the night to follow a cat outside her window through the nearby woods. This is the magical hour, and various beings in the wood warn her to turn back.
Saoirse follows the cat to a fisherman's cottage, where she meets a local strange man, who is briefly seen at the start. He reveals the magical truth about her birth, and she will see something out in the ocean that calls to her to join it.
This screenplay would make a beautiful animation or light VFX short film. It is soulful and timeless.
A wistful young girl. She has a gentle sadness and a curiosity about her. She will discover a truth.
Saoirse's mother. Protective and practical, but kind.
A mysterious guide who will lead Mary through the forest to discover the truth about her birth.
Lives in a fisherman's cottage. Saoirse is warned not to go near him, but he has a secret she'll discover.
6 pages
fantasy, shortFilm
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