Sid Sleeps
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Sid Sleeps


Since Sid’s Alzheimer’s diagnosis, he has become fearful of everyone except Agnes. She is the only one allowed into Sid’s bedroom, as the presence of strangers can trigger panic attacks in him.  She ensures Sid’s well-being by providing food, maintaining cleanliness, and changing his clothes and bed linens regularly.  Carers visit Agnes daily to support her in nursing Sid and monitor her own well-being.  Agnes keeps her house impeccably clean, including Sid’s laundry.  Sid no longer speaks and spends most of his time in bed, with closed curtains, either sleeping or listening to the radio.  Agnes insists on paying bills in cash, necessitating regular trips to town to withdraw money and settle payments. One day, Agnes meets one of Sid’s old friends who wants to visit. Despite Agnes’s annoyance, the friend insists.  In a fit of temper, Agnes dashes across the road and falls, injuring her nose and wrist. Two observant schoolboys witness Agnes’s fall.  They rush to her aid, knowing her from living in the house opposite. One boy informs his mother, Shirley, who arrives to collect Agnes in her car.  Shirley tends to Agnes’s injuries, arranges painkillers, and schedules a doctor’s visit. Agnes shouts at the boys not to enter Sid’s bedroom, and so they leave her lying on the sofa with a cup of tea and a blanket; Agnes cancels the appointment once they leave. Later that evening, Shirley and her sons check on Agnes, but there’s no response. They assume both of them have been taken to hospital. A carer calls on Agnes the next day, but no one answers the door. Shirley comes over to explain what happened, and they notify the office. A different carer named June calls at the weekend and is persistent, and in the end, a very sick Agnes opens the door. June immediately calls an ambulance and while waiting for them to arrive, she decides she had better check on Sid. The room is dark, and the radio is playing still. She can see Sid’s outline on the bed in the gloomy light. She speaks softly to him, but he makes no sound. June opens the curtains and is shocked and horrified to see the decaying body of Sid, who clearly died a long time ago. Poor Agnes never comes home.




Number of pages

8 pages


drama, shortFilm




Jennifer Kim Lalk Vidovic11:19 AM, Mar 22, 2024
I am getting goosebumps !!

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