“Brotherly Love” is the story of two brothers (Jared & Connor Leonard) who are high school wrestlers & their special needs father (Jalen). The brothers are always at odds in part because mat success comes so easy to Jared and also because Connor is dealing with his own issues which his brother doesn’t fully understand.
Act 1 begins at the wrestling club Jalen is coaching at. Jalen is taking Jared to his first wrestling practice in order to give his pregnant wife, Corrine one night of peace. Later, Jared’s baby brother Connor is born. Both boys are successful wrestlers right from the beginning. Jared wins 3 youth state titles. Connor wins the overwhelming majority of his matches, but would shrink up in the big moment.
At the same time, Connor was having behavioral issues in school. He is diagnosed with anxiety, ADHD and high functioning autism. The Leonard’s get Connor the help he needs and once he is on the right path he is off and running. Connor eventually wins a youth state title of his own as an 8th grader.
While things seem to be going well for Connor, things seem to be headed in the exact opposite direction for Jared. Jared and Connor’s father is their driving force, driving too hard at times based on his own upbringing and life experience. As a very young child, Jalen was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. Even though he has had this setback it has made him so strong mentally. Through that mental strength, he not only competes 4 years on the high school varsity wrestling team, but is named team captain and has enough success to go on to wrestle in college. His intensity and competitiveness creates pressure on his son’s throughout the film. Jared begins to succumb to that paternal pressure. Jared’s love of the sport wanes and he quits wrestling. As he approaches adulthood, he has a desire to be his own man and pursue his own interests.
In act 2, during the youth state tournament of Connor’s 8th grade season, Jalen is having more difficulty than normal physically and goes to see a doctor. Upon examination, cancer is found and is spreading rapidly. Jalen comes to grips with his own mortality. He becomes more father and less coach. He wants his family to have good memories of him after he passes. When Jalen’s intensity softens, Jared realizes that he misses the sport and eventually goes back to the mats.
Jalen eventually succumbs to complications from his cancer. Jared has difficulty moving forward after his father’s death, burying his emotions and not dealing with his own feelings. Upon Jared’s return to wrestling, he loses his first several matches. He realizes what is missing is his father’s training. He enlists Connor’s help in getting Jared back to where he needs to be.
Act 3 begins with Connor taking on the role of his late father. With Connor’s help, Jared gets back on track and both boys qualify for the high school state tournament. Jared and Connor both continue to win and both make the final. On the eve of the final, the doubts Jared had several months earlier begin to creep back in and he goes awol. Jared has made the decision that he is not wrestling, but after a pep talk from mom he has a change of heart. After watching Connor win a state title just a few bouts earlier, Jared finds himself losing in the final seconds. With every ounce of strength Jared has left and with his father on his shoulder, he gets that needed takedown and achieves his destiny. Jared finally wins a state high school championship.
103 pages
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