A. B. T. (American Bred Terrorists)
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A. B. T. (American Bred Terrorists)


In a post 9/11 United States, American citizens feel they have been stripped of constitutional rights and what it truly means to be an American; the right to be free.  Fifteen years and several foiled terrorist plots later the United States Government and Military stands next to the insinuation that it has won the “War on Terror”.   In wake of a declining economy, four All-American, by all standards, American citizens have come together with a plot to not only destroy the very foundation that the United States stands on, but over throw the government protesting its invasion of privacy and unethical practices. Olivia Dudley, a Yale graduate with ties in the Rockefeller and Kennedy mega families, Grace Black, a ex-marine that specialized in Intel and combat, Synthia Polowski, an eighteen year old computer wizard that has broken the FBI’s security code more than once, and Xavier Smith, a modest blue collar worker on the brink of financial and mental break down, have come together to shake the United States from the inside out. 


Olivia Dudley

Olivia Dudley – Caucasian American woman, 34, Yale Law School graduate with ties in the Rockefeller and Kennedy families.  The leader of the group.

Grace Black

Asian American woman, 31, Ex-Marine who specialized in military Intel, and combat. Second in command.

Xavier Smith

Caucasian American man, 52, modest blue collar workers on the brink of financial and mental breakdown. Third in command.

Synthia Polowski

African American woman, 18, computer wizard who has been arrested several times for breaking FBI codes prior to the age of 16. 

Artist Royster

Caucasian American man, 48, President of the United States.

Vivian Turner

African American woman, 48, Vice President of the United states.




Number of pages

89 pages


action, drama, thriller




Jennifer Kim Lalk Vidovic02:16 PM, Mar 8, 2024
Jamie Lawrence01:27 PM, Mar 13, 2024
I really wanna see this get made, it needs to get made.

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