Rules Of Entitlement
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Rules Of Entitlement


One summer day, in the small company town of Palmer, in upstate New York, four privileged teenaged boys rape Olivia, a 14 year old Latino cleaner working at the Palmer Estate. She escapes and gets on with her life but is haunted by the cruelty of the boys and vows revenge for what they did to her. During the interceding thirty years, Don Palmer the son, and his friends settle into their privileged lifestyle in the town they run. Unlike Olivia, the four friends have long since forgotten about the rape and continue their wild ways even into middle age. Olivia is now the wife of a successful, older businessman who owns a high tech company head quartered in New York City, where she works at his side until he dies. She ascends to the role of CEO and makes the startling and controversial decision to move the head office to Palmer, angering members of the board. Once there, she sets in motion a series of carefully planned and executed events aimed at toppling the Palmer family from their exalted perch atop the town's social hierarchy and destroying the lives of the men who raped her, while along the way, gaining an unlikely ally in a man working for her enemies on her own Board of Directors, a group determined to undermine her authority and destroy her credibility to run the company.




Number of pages

117 pages


crime, drama




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