Bobby, growing up on a prairie farm instilled the principles of discipline and FAMILY.
Family values are challenged when Bobby’s younger sister, RITA, begins to have psychotic episodes. Rita’s tricks and pranks start basic. Hiding car keys and letting the sheep out of the pen. This EVIL behavior begins to escalate with each episode and grows more intense. Damaging farm equipment, fires and harm to the family.
Bobby is young, confused and innocent. He retreats into his own SAFE world. FLEEING from the CHAOS his sister brings.
Then, late one afternoon, Rita delivers the final blow that will shape Bobby’s life and damage everything the family represents. On top of a small hill, a LOCKED and guarded BARN stands isolated. Children not allowed to play there. Today, the Barn doors have been opened, so has the Sheep’s pen. SUDDENLY - Screams of SLAUGHTER pierce the wind. From the barn the curdling CRY’S grow more intense. The family rushes to the scene TOO FIND…. Rita has dismembered, disemboweled and tortured the sheep. BODY and BLOOD scattered everywhere.
Bobby’s has no fight and chooses to FLEE. Rita is put into an institution for the MENTALLY INSANE.
Bobby endures a life in FEAR.
We Move Too: Current time. ACT 2
An older Bobby realizes he needs to transition away from this FEAR. If not, it will destroy HIM and his young family. The start of his journey begins on his wife’s death bed. Her last request of HIM. GO HOME. Go back to where this FEAR began, THE FARM. Fix yourself. Make it right with Rita and your parents.
Bobby honors his wife’s last request and the promise to himself. He takes his daughter, Amy and son, Spencer to the farm.
Amy, soon after arriving, is mesmerized by the MYSTICAL barn. Warnings of DANGER are ignored and suppressed as Amy continues her relentless interests. Amy draws in Spencer to join her. The two children, bored with chores and isolation, secretly play games in the barn.
Soon after, unexplained occurrences suddenly appear. Some GOOD, some EVIL in nature. A broken-down tractor begins to work. The sheep’s pen is left open. These occurrences, at first, seem mundane until they begin to escalate, WHEN -- A man, working on the farm is killed by a hay bailer. It does not go un-noticed.
To get answers, Bobby visits his sister. The first time since she was taken away some 30 years ago. They discuss the happenings at the farm. Rita warns Bobby that it is starting again. His children are in danger. Bobby does what he does best – FLEE. Denies Rita’s ranting about the MONSTER. Bobby’s flight from the situation grows more intense, after his parents confirm Rita’s worst fears.
ACT 3..
Unconvinced, Bobby decides to search the barn himself. There he finds -YES…EVIL is here. Bobby momentarily engages with this MONSTER. It was true. Rita and his parents were telling the truth.
There IS an evil presence on the farm, an ancient mythical Monster – the OLD LADY. A liar and trickster. She has awakened again. Playing games to fool his young children into doing DESPICTABLE things. The OLD WOMAN wants to escape the curse placed on her and leave the underground prison. Amy, Spencer and the games are the KEY to her malicious intent.
But, is too late. The Monster has Bobby’s children committed to the MONSTER GAMES and now has taken Amy prisoner. Good -vs- Evil.
To save Amy and themselves, Bobby rally’s the family together for an EPIC SHOWDOWN, that decides once and for all:
What’s Familiar: Good vs Evil, Saving a family.
What’s Unique: Use of Indian Folk Lore, Human condition of Fight or Flight and overcoming those fears. Back story of the Monster is special.
Compare: IT and Conjuring, A Quiet Place
107 pages
horror, thriller
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