A true story of a wealthy NY female anarchist who finally finds her inner self, after traveling to Paris and Italy and marrying 3 men along the way, provoking interest from leading intellectual, literary, and political artists in Greenwich Village, she finally finds love and peace in Taos, NM, when she marries her true love, Tony Luhan, a Pueblo Indian, and begins programs for government assistance to the Native Tribes in New Mexico, USA.
The influential 20th-century writer, art collector and philanthropist.
Margaret Sanger devoted her life to legalizing birth control and making it universally available for women
An American sculptor and painter remembered today for his association with philanthropist Mabel Dodge Luhan, to whom he was married from 1916 to 1923.
American journalist, poet, and communist activist. Lover of Mabel
Avant-garde partner/lover/wife of Gertrude Stein. Gay
Taos Pueblo man who married Mabel Dodge Luhan. Mabel's 4th husband.
64 pages
drama, history, romance
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