Black Balled
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Black Balled


Jaime is a young man who was sent away from his family by his mother to escape the gang life his late father was involved in. Her death brings him back home to resolve unfinished business and seek revenge for his mother's death. The story is set in L.A. in the early 90s, shortly before the 1992 Los Angeles riots. Jaime returns home to find his father's gang in ruins, while his brother JB struggles with grief and control of the gang. Jaime must navigate his brother's anger, his ex-girlfriend's rage, and the LAPD's racist agenda all while working to restore his father's gang's prominence and to protect the neighborhood while it still exists.


Jaime Rogers-Bane

A brash young man with more wisdom than most. Jaime is the son of a gang leader and was raised in that life, crime is all he knows and he's good at it, always able to find the right angle until he can't.


Shonda grew up in the hood, so she has a deep reverence for it. But she knows it's no good for her just like Jaime. A leader in her own right she plays the sideline just waiting for her chance to get in the game and show people what she can do.




Number of pages

107 pages


crime, drama




Jamie Lawrence04:29 PM, Feb 7, 2024
Really like this idea, hope you get to have it produced
VASEAN DANIELS11:57 PM, Feb 7, 2024
Thanks I appreciate it, fingers crossed it gets picked up.
Jennifer Kim Lalk Vidovic02:15 PM, Mar 8, 2024
I agree !!

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