
Lee Taylor
Posted by Lee Taylor
United States


Gordon Lightfoot struggles deeply with committing to his longtime love interest, Cathy Smith. He is suffocating her with his musical ambition. He finds comfort and alleviation in the bottle, invigorating his passionate thirst for lyrics and melody but decimating personal relationships. Others around him observe this meltdown, helpless. Cathy Smith is a lost soul stranded and estranged in the shadows of celebrities. Trapped at the apex of her desire to be famous, she clenches to Gordon regardless of his abusive tendencies.

The beginning showcases Gordon’s rise to success and highlights his and Cathy’s “puppy love.” As relationships dissolve and imperfections surface, Gordon struggles to find success in his passion, music.

The middle portion delves into his dreams and nightmares coming true. Friends like Bob Dylan, his sister Beverly and Murry McGlaughlin admire his talents from a safe distance. They advise him on overcoming social awkwardness and outliner tendencies. Cathy desires to overcome her past mistakes with her daughter, whom she gave up for adoption and her mistreatment from being a groupie for The Band. 

In the end, Cathy goes out to the town of Toronto for a night. At sundown, Gordon is forced to write a masterpiece. He calls on his emotionally draining jealousies. He works to acknowledge and resolve his alcohol abuse and the dependency that he thinks inspires his creativity. 

Additional notes

Thank you for taking the time to review my screenplay. Sundown is part Daisy and The Six, in the gritty style of Leaving Las Vegas. Sundown is a biopic that moves audiences with timeless melodies and lyrics encapsulating diverse perspectives on traditional trust issues about a couple in love.

My first order of action would be contacting the estate and securing the rights to this production. This is not about money. I love Gordon Lightfoot like the writers of Walk the Line, Ray, Rocketman, Back to Black, Upcoming Linda Ronstadt Biopic and more.

I value people's time greatly and would value yours. I would love to see this story come to fruition. I believe it speaks to a specific audience very personally. It appeals to a larger audience for entertainment, as Bohemian Rhapsody and A Star is Born did. I am committed to helping however you see fit. Please review and contact me at to discuss this work and our aligned interests. 

I sincerely appreciate your time and consideration of my work, and I look forward to hearing from you. 


Kind regards,

Lee Taylor


0/1 positions fulfilledTotal: $1.00
  • SUNDOWN- Producer

    $1.00 per project365 days


Jennifer Kim Lalk Vidovic05:11 PM, Jun 23, 2024
This sounds super interesting !!:)
Lee Taylor05:51 PM, Jun 23, 2024
Thanks. Hope the right person sees this and feels the same way.
I want to watch this

2 already do

Needs producer

On the cusp of creating his epic singer-songwriter hit, Sundown, imperfect lyricist Gordon Lightfoot struggles to maintain a relationship with groupie Cathy Smith and fight off the fretful consequences rockstars face.