Jessica Valencia is an emotional strong actress, born in Guadalajara Mexico, since she was little she knew that she had a great talent for the arts, her first appearances on stage were at primary school festivals, she enjoyed these experiences a lot but her parents not so much. especially her mother who had to figure out how to make her wardrobe. She always knew and a voice inside her always encouraged her to pursue this dream. When she graduated from high school she was very clear about what she wanted and that was to study acting. She comes from a traditionalist Mexican family. When she expressed her interest in studying acting to her father, that proposal was immediately rejected. Jessica had to redirect her life for a long period. She has a degree in gastronomy, a diploma in flight attendant and a diploma in cosmetology, she found herself lost for a long period of her life, but one day that inner voice returned, and this made her rethink everything about her life, the direction that without realizing it she was giving her and above all she realized that she did not feel any passion for what she did in her life, finally one day Jessica Valencia had the courage to listen to that little voice inside and leave everything in Mexico to follow that dream, she moved to the city of Vancouver BC. In May 2022, why Vancouver?... She says that she still doesn't know, that she just followed her intuition, something told her that There would be a good place to start. Here she began her career as an actress at New Image College consevatory acting school, this stage of her life she calls the awakening here she discovered how much meaning that voice had, here she understood how much it is worth to live for something that you are passionate about , here she understood that there were never limits, here she finally found herself full, beautiful and above all alive.