I am a journalist and filmmaker but first and foremost a camerawoman. I am fluent in Russian, Hebrew, English, and I understand French, Arabic, and Portuguese. For 8 years I worked as a one-woman crew in the role of Israel/Palestine correspondent for The Real News Network (based in Washington D.C.). There, I conducted investigations, interviews, filmed, and edited more than 200 documentary shorts for TRNN before branching off to found Naretiv Productions (Toronto). I've made four feature-length investigative but poetic documentaries for BBC World, TeleSUR, and Naretiv. I've also made a number of experimental shorts, VR and Augmented Reality projects that have toured the festival circuit, won best short film and best woman in film awards and screened in over 20 countries. I teach cinematography at several film schools in Toronto and in my spare time I like to watch videos about cameras, visual experiments with exposure, and hacks for making our film sets friendlier and more inclusive environments.