Low budget


Actor$500.00 per day

- a flashback of K.C and his father will be recorded

- there will be talking but we won't hear it on screen

- tall, early 50s

- successful, but an addict (alcohol, drugs, business gambling...a cheater who once was ambitious then used wealth and power to manipulate, cheat, and play.

That's visible on his face and energy now)

Strong emotions are needed since he "explodes" in this flashback voice-over scene. We don't hear his voice though, we see the flashback scene and hear K.C. telling this part of his story.


This job is a part of its parent project, The U.S. Code - Season 1 / 9 Episodes. Make sure to check it out before applying.

Project jobfilm
$500.00 per day
29 May 2024