Low budget


Actor$500.00 per day

- early 50s, unfriendly, bad energy, disgusting sort of guy, has some sinister things going on in his eyes - not much is known about him - Kira's stepfather

Someone who can pull of someone "disgusting" without trying hard.


please do NOT audition any scenes. What I want to see is the following:

A typical slate (Full name, height, age, and where you are based, if you have a passport that allows you to travel to europe) plus what you wish the movie work environment would be like (your ideal work expectations)

Please read the attached script FULLY and tell me what you like and what you don't like/ would do differently

Write a 1-2 pages about how you could imagine the movie continues

What matters most for me (director, writer and lead cast Kira) is that you fully understand the bigger picture behind this movie trilogy. The WHY we do this, that you understand the higher values and mission.

I hope you enjoy the script and we can start working together,





This job is a part of its parent project, The U.S. Code - Season 1 / 9 Episodes. Make sure to check it out before applying.

Project jobfilm
$500.00 per day
29 May 2024