This is the beginning of a new era in filmmaking

How Sparroww came to life and is revolutionizing the Hollywood Industry

This is the beginning of a new era in filmmaking

Hey Film Fam :)

Jen here, the CEO and Co-Founder of Sparroww.

I am so happy and grateful to have you all here using the platform with much joy and hope.

As we all know, the film industry is a tough business/ career field to be in. There truly is no business like show business if that also includes the fashion industry.

For years I was trying to break through in this industry. I started as a fitness model/ model before transitioning into film as an actress and (screen) writer.

Every single day, I woke up telling myself that today is the day where I will get that call, that booking confirmed, that long term working contract with the studios...I auditioned more than 600 times, took private method acting classes, american accent classes, dancing classes, yoga... you name it. All of that was on top of years of being in a circus, martial arts club, and being a ballet dancer.

I can honestly say that I was the most ambitious person I knew. I sacrificed financial security, having a family or a private social life at all. I travelled all around the world and did every single job that was coming my way though that lead to me being completely burned out, drained, exhausted and usually left alone with an amount of anxiety that I literally thought I am dying.

Pursuing my acting career felt like killing me and yet those moments on stage or on set in front of the cameras, inside a studio or a theater were what I was living for, what gave me the feeling that I am alive.

About four years ago and throughout my wild acting oursuing journey (which happened to be also during covid), I was always writing..

Songs as a teenager, poems, until I started to write non fiction from 2019 on. That lead me to publish 6 books within one year!!!

In 2020, I started to dream about what my life could be like if I only start taking more control above my creative career. And as probably everyone knows and has done here as well, I started to think about the possibility to write my own screenplays, a trilogy was always my dream and to put me as the lead.

And miracolously, a second or so after I allowed myself to regain some hope and dream a little bigger the idea for the U.S. code came to me during my meditation.

That was about 3,5 years ago, and back then I had no screenplay writing experiences at, as independent thinking as I am, I ordered all the books about screenplay writing I could find, and started educating myself while simultanisouly starting to take the first notes about the story, the characters and so forth..

Now, my movie is in pre-production, the team is growing, the opportunities are flowing..

And all that is happening because I never gave up. A year ago, June/July 2023, was when I again hit rock bottom because nothing seemed to work out. I felt so dependent on so many externals...agents/ managers, directors, casting directors, felt like to get work I have to wait for a million people to allow me to get to work.

And this is when I asked myself the question: but why?

Why would I allow other people to decide about my career, my happiness, my fullfilment and joy in life? Why am I allowing others to decide about me in any way.

NO WAY! This must change. And from there on instead of accepting that the industry is the way it is because well it has always been that way, I started to ask myself the question, but how could it change?

How could it be if everything would be improved that's toxic? That destroys so many souls? How would an ideal work environemnt look like and first of all where to start making a change when everything seems so desperate for changes??

It was overwhealming until I took a breathe and ask myself: but where does it actually start? I mean the entire film industry, what is the source of it all?

Some people might think it's money which might be partially true, though I believed it's a script. A screenplay. A writer. There is and will never be a movie/ TV series without a story.

So, I started to make the first plans, gather ideas about a platform I could build (with a developer of course)..and everything literally got solved in the following two weeks. The first designs and ideas for sparroww were on a piece of paper, ready to get written in code to make my platform/ digital hollywood dreams come true with focusing on creating a perfect working situation for the writers.

It was my goal right from the start to digitalize and make the entire Hollywood Industry/ the system better than ever before. It is my goal to create a safe creative filmmaking space where everyone has the chance to truly build a long lasting, sustainable, wealthy and healthy!! career without constant dependencies on other people, places, and connections.

It is my dream that soon, people who are working in film don't have to suffer so much anymore, and that this creative career path becomes more accessible for the masses. I mean, it's just not the reality that we all get born into a LA actors/ directors/ rich families but it is true that no matter where we are from, there are always people who's dream is it to become a writer/ actor/ director/ make-up artist and so forth and I believe it is possible to make those dreams reality.

Sparroww is my heart and all I hope for is that through Sparroww, millions of people will be able to live their dreams and pursue their passions. Because I know how it feels when you want nothing else, nothing more in this world than to be seen for who you really are. How it feels when the entire world is against you, nothing seems possible because of where you are and the ressources you have.

That's also a reason why one account here will be free forever. That was my personal choice because at the end of the day, this platform is made to help artists realize their dreams, make their own careers and finally get the money they truly deserve.

I love you all so much and I am beyond grateful for everyone who gives people like me and platforms like ours a real chance.

Thank you.

x, Jen :)



Alba Vilriales 11:52 AM, Jul 29, 2024
Wow, this is so inspiring🥹❤️‍🩹
Jennifer Kim Lalk Vidovic01:24 PM, Jul 29, 2024
Thank you 🙏🙏🙏