creation is an extension that breathes air into our lunges
Don't we all just want to feel alive again, to breathe again, to hear our inner voice again?? Louder and more clear, or gentle and soft, if that's how we hear her. I know that when I don't create, I die. Is that normal? Are we, the children of the universe, meant to create and expand, to extend our spirits in almost any form, shape, size... through whichever tool we feel most alive? Since my old identity died, I think there's a little less to remove yet a way more to explore. I feel I no longer know who I am or what I'm supposed to be doing. I feel it's time to start all over again, to explore once more what it means to be human. Am I an artist? One voice asks inside of my head? I don't know, I mean if you're being honest, what are you creating anyway? Something that matters? Something that lasts? I want to uplift people and simultaneously it feels like I am the one who needs to be uplifted the most.